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XSV8 S1 Registration & Entry List


Race Control
Race Control
League Coordinator
Grand Champion 2017
Grand Champion 2020
Grand Champion 2022
Copy/Paste the following form and answer the query to register for the events. We are using the default skin pack. No duplicate entries please.

Full Name:
Car Number:
Years Sim Racing Experience:
How you heard about us and this league?:

Entry List
#28 Spike Spiegel
#33 Tim Hunter
#36 Daniel Hunter
Last edited:
Full Name: Alexi Rhaan
Nationality: American
Car Number: tba
Years Sim Racing Experience: more than I remember
How you heard about us and this league?: fb rumors
Full Name: Spike Spiegel
Nationality: USA
Car Number: 28
Years Sim Racing Experience: 15
Full Name: Tim Hunter
Nationality: USA
Car Number: 33
Years Sim Racing Experience: 27 Years
How you heard about us and this league?: XSR
Full Name: Daniel Hunter
Nationality: USA
Car Number: 36
Years Sim Racing Experience: 27 Years
How you heard about us and this league?: XSR